Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Celestial alignment

Yesterday we were out at Mitchell's Bay again. Yes, I am a little bit afraid of becoming known as The Entertainment Committee at our house, and worry about the mutiny that will ensue when there is no entertainment scheduled someday... but on the other hand, who wants to sit home on a stinking hot day with nothing to do? Not me.

We have been to this place several times now this year, and every time I have brought my camera. I now have literally hundreds of shots of Liam running back and forth on this splash pad. They are totally interchangeable photos - he is wearing the same thing in each one, the background is the same, etc. And yet, none have turned out so well as the ones from yesterday. As a mom you are looking for a certain expression on your child's face or jaunt to their walk that makes a photo a keeper. Yesterday, I got that in spades.To keep things fair... here is one of Mallory from a few days ago. The skirt is a gift from Aunty Amy and the top is a gift from Aunty Steph. Both are making their debut in this photo. This is the kind of bohemian chic I see in Mallory's future (for as long as I get to call the shots, anyway!)