Friday, September 30, 2005

It's as if he's found his purpose in life

So... guess what we did today??

Normally when we come home from a trip somewhere, Liam sleeps super well. I think he enjoys being back in familiar surroundings. I expected last night to be a snap. Not so much. We were up all night long. He woke up three or four times and finally I stopped putting him back to bed - just dragged a blanket into the nursery and sat in the rocking chair with him. He fell asleep on my shoulder but even then woke up in tears now and then. It was really quite puzzling - I made sure he was warm, checked his diaper, fed him etc. but nothing seemed to work.

This morning when the sun came up I realized he has a massive pimple on his chin, right in the crease. (The kind that, if you had it yourself, would be difficult to resist squeezing.) And it bugs him like heck when you touch it. Is the pressure of it causing him pain? Does he have the pimple because he's drooling because he's teething, and the teething is causing him pain? All I know is that I don't know.

This pimple means that he doesn't want to nurse right now. I guess the pressure while he's eating is bugging him. He'll eat a little, but not much. Well, tomorrow was supposed to be cereal day anyway. Given that I have been up once a night for the past couple of weeks because (I think) he's not getting enough to eat during the day - and now the fact that he's on a semi-nursing strike - today was obviously the day to introduce the cereal.

Well, if there was ever any worry that he wouldn't go for it, I was crazy. I'm telling you, he saw that spoon headed in the direction of his face and he knew exactly what to do with it. He would not keep his hands off of it - you are not getting that thing into my mouth fast enough! It was quite hilarious. He was more than ready for it.

And immediately after eating - he finished the whole bowl - he fell asleep. Sweet little baby is resting with a full tummy right now.


megan said...

Congratulations on your new stage! Just don't let him get into the habit of holding the spoon or else you will have dried mush all over your kitchen!