Thursday, December 08, 2005

Just for fun...

Try this link:

Celebrity face recognition site

You upload a photo of yourself and it scans it against a database of celebrity photos, then reports back who you look like. I used my profile photo and came up with the following matches: Meg Ryan (50%) Kirsten Dunst (50%) Juliette Binoche (48%) Gwynneth Paltrow (47%) and then the two kickers... Barbra Streisand at 42% and Condoleezza Rice at 41%!!!!...

Let me know if you try this & who your matches are...

Edited to add:

Chad's matches: Dennis Quaid 63%, Elton John 62%, Charlton Heston 52%, Bill Gates 48%, Alan Alda, Frida Kahlo (I kid you not) and Bela Lugosi, all 41%, Joaquin Phoenix 40%. The funny thing is that when they pull up these look-alikes, they also pull up the photo they used to compute the similarity. I never realized how much Chad actually does look like Elton John.

And, as Chad just pointed out, Dennis Quaid is his #1 and Meg Ryan is my #1... and they used to be married, too. Spooky!!


Anonymous said...

What about Geena Davis???

Anonymous said...

Hi Carrie:

I tried your test and there were no matches. Pretty sad eh!

megan said...

Thanks a lot Carrie, I am now addicted to this thing. I have down loaded many pictures of my family. Isabella Rosolini and Lizza Manelli come up the most for me, Shannon Dorherty and Katie Holmes come up for Audrey, Evelyn is also Katie Holmes as well as Uma. Cory is a bunch of people I never heard of but not Nick Nolte or Gary Bussey who I think he looks like. Beyonce comes up for me a lot too. Weird