Saturday, March 04, 2006

Death by chocolate

Tonight we went out for dinner with Darin and Jennifer, and we had one of those gems of a waitress who went out of her way for us. Brought us milk in Liam's sippy cup, hot water to mix his cereal and wash up, looked the other way as he tossed peas and Cheerios and arrowroots on the floor, and supplied a neverending pile of napkins. At the end of the meal she stopped at the table and said she would like to bring Liam a complimentary chocolate pudding for dessert if it was OK with me. Seeing as that pudding has at least some nutritional value in it, I said OK. I did not expect her to come back to the table with a tiny spoonful of pudding drowning in whipped cream and chocolate sauce, but by then Liam had set his sights on the prize and there was no stopping him; how could I say no now?? I hadn't planned on giving him anything chocolatey until his birthday cake, but it seems the timetable was moved up by about six weeks. Chad was hoping that Liam would only make it through a spoonful or two before he required help, but to his dismay, Liam ate the entire thing.


megan said...

What??? No blog entry on your first day back at work? So how did it go?