Sunday, March 19, 2006

Toronto: the edited version

(I just had an epic-length post written out, and Blogger ate it. Not a good start, and so, I will mostly put up some photos, and leave the commentary for a day when I feel more like repeating myself.)

Liam and I just got home from a few days spent in Toronto visiting Aunty Steph and Uncle Monkey. I could tell you all about the cute noises Liam made to drown Steph out whenever she spoke, or about how Uncle Monkey had this weird hypnotic effect on Liam, but that was in the post that got eaten and it's really not interesting enough fodder to justify explaining all over again. We had thought of maybe taking Liam to the zoo or something exciting like that on this trip, but when the time came, it seemed like too much effort, too cold, too expensive and too crowded, thanks to March Break. In the end we just faked him out with the python and the crocodile at the Rain Forest Cafe. He also got a kick out of the remote-controlled dinosaurs at Pottery Barn Kids. I almost bought him a cool Easter bucket there, but I want my kids to have matching items of that sort, and who knows if they will still carry them in a few years' time when I'm ready to complete the collection? Sorry dude, you'll have to make do with a dollar-store cheapie for the time being.

Despite getting screwed out of the zoo excursion, Liam found other ways to have fun... like this toy train that Steph and Mike keep handy for entertaining little kids (unfortunately, it wasn't engrossing enough to prevent their stainless coffee table and glass doors from being completely covered in sticky fingerprints by trip's end. Sorry!!)

I did pick up a couple of clothing items for Liam, including a pair of splash pants that he needs for daycare, and some suction-cupped toys that go on the bottom of the tub to keep his bum from scooting around so much.

Today we are resting up; Liam doesn't sleep so well away from home. There's a big week ahead of us - Liam goes back to Cindy's tomorrow.


megan said...

You know Carrie, you could have bought a few buckets (4 or 5) and just stored the extras away for a year. You KNOW that is what I would have done.
We didn't know you were in TO. Liam would have loved the ROM with us!

Carrie said...

I thought the ROM might be a little too highbrow. If the zoo is a leap then the ROM is a bungee jump...

I did consider buying two blue buckets and one pink bucket, so that I'd be covered in either case, but then I would have had about $90 worth of Easter buckets on my hands, which seemed excessive at the time... now, of course, I am back on the Pottery Barn website wishing that I had at least gotten one for Liam. (And also wishing that the online store shipped to Canada: you can get them personalized with their name online -- SO CUTE!!)