Thursday, June 16, 2005

A couple things

Chad is home again from a golf jaunt with some customers. Phew... it's a total load off having another adult in the house. We're glad he's home!!

A couple things...

Was over at the Martha Stewart bulletin boards today, reading comments from someone with a baby just a couple of weeks older than Liam. She was talking about how much her baby loves the Baby Einstein DVDs. Thinking about getting one. Not wanting to turn the TV into the babysitter but if it's another buys-me-fifteen-minutes tricks, I'm all for it. Though I'm a little surprised that a two/three month old would pay attention to the TV??...

And speaking of DVDs, I'm also thinking of CDs. Lately I've been thinking of picking up There's a Hippo in My Tub by Anne Murray. Steph and I had this when we were little and I used to love it - I can still sing a lot of the songs from memory. Would like to have it again.

I'm looking for more ideas for stuff to do with Liam. Ideas, anyone? My repertoire is really limited and I feel like I should be doing more. I sing to him, although I really need to learn the words to more songs. Old MacDonald only has a limited number of verses, after all. I read to him, which he doesn't hate but he seems pretty indifferent. I talk to him when dressing him etc., explaining what I'm doing, telling him the difference between his right leg and left leg. I show him rattles and blocks and stacking rings. He hates lying on his back so the Gymini is out right now. He likes being propped up sitting but only for a certain length of time. Sometimes I can move him to another position or room for a change of scenery but sometimes he's just bored with it altogether. He likes standing on my lap, again, only for a certain length of time. All of this together only takes an hour or so and I'm trying to fill several hours of the day. What else can we do? We go for walks too but he usually falls asleep...