Tuesday, June 07, 2005

The finished project

This has to be super quick. Chad is in Toronto for a few days on business. Right now I have a wriggling baby on my lap, a cat walking on my keyboard trying to get attention (it's time to feed him), and a project I'm working on right now spread out on the desk that I'm trying to protect from both the baby AND the cat. I have less than two hours to feed the cat, feed myself, feed Liam and bath him, and get to a card making class Gina invited me to. Grandma Cook is on her way over to babysit.

But... I thought I would share the finished shadowbox. Well, it may not be entirely finished. I can rearrange and re-pin as needed. So far I am liking it. The hat and onesie are the first things Liam wore. The booties too. I've also included his ID bracelet, ribbon from one of his gifts and a card, and the butterfly doodad that came in a flower arrangement. The wooden letter L was meant to go in also but I ran out of room...