Sunday, August 07, 2005

Chez Barr

As promised, we were back at the Barrs' on Friday night. The men spent Friday afternoon engaged in the Nicholls Challenge. This is an annual golf tourney of their own making. Jeff is a much better golfer than the rest of them, so it is Jeff vs. The Rest of the Field. Actually, I think this year he got one other player on his team. I spent the afternoon getting my hair cut and coloured for the first time since Liam has been here - how awful is that - I actually felt sorry for my stylist having to deal with me. Jenn babysat Liam and did great with him. When I came home we headed over to the Barrs early to hang out with the girls - the men came home much later and BBQ'd some steaks between periods of Killer Pool Basketball. You'd have thought that the game would end when the sun went down but no, turn on a couple of floodlights in the back yard and you can stay in the pool til 11 p.m. or later... Liam and I packed up and went home around 10:30 because he just wasn't sleeping with the party going on. However, once I put him to bed at 11 he slept right through til 6 a.m. the following morning. I thought this was just a fluke given the super late bedtime, but last night he went down around his regular time (which is 8-9 p.m. these days - not sure what happened to that 7 p.m. bedtime) and again, he slept til 6 a.m. this morning. Dare I claim that my son is now sleeping through the night, just shy of his four month birthday? Ironic that I had my hair done that same day, because my stylist is a bit of a know-it-all when it comes to parenting issues, and I couldn't disagree with her more on most of them. She has two kids of her own and her belief system basically follows the breastfeeding is gross/let them cry/don't spoil them ideology. Whereas I'm more of a breast is best/a certain amount of crying isn't a bad thing past a certain age/the more love and attention you give them when they're young, the more independent they'll grow up to be ideology. Anyway, she was giving me all kinds of grief about Liam not sleeping through the night yet, telling me I'm feeding him too much and being a slave to his sleep patterns and he's just acting spoiled, etc. I was kind of glad to get out of her chair and away from her tirade - and if Liam is now sleeping through the night because the time is right for him - I consider that a major victory.


Anonymous said...

If this is your regular stylist, I hope your hair looks great...otherwise, why sit and listen to the criticism???

Carrie said...

It's as close to great as I think I'll get. And I know enough to take her with a grain of salt. :)