Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Houston, we have a rollover!

...and it happened while we were watching and cheering him on. From his back to his tummy (at which point his look said, This is what I've been working for? COME ON...)

There was much rocking back and forth and trying to work up his momentum leading up to the moment. You can see in this photo that the shoulder/arm that was holding him back is starting to turn purple because he's been lying on it for so long. (Which led to one of many parenting arguments between Chad and I: do we interfere with what is possibly his first rollover to save the arm from gangrene? (For the record, Chad voted for and I voted against. I can't remember what we did but the arm is still intact so I really don't think it was as big a deal as we made it out to be.)) This all happened at around 11 a.m. this morning and can I just say he has been sleeping for the LAST THREE HOURS. This is insane. All that exercise must have tired the little guy out. A good trick to remember for future reference.