Monday, August 08, 2005

Mommy's little angel

...slept through from 8 p.m. last night til 7 a.m. this morning. If I could, I would treat him to an ice cream today. Thanks little buddy! I did hear him wake up once or twice and chatter to himself for a bit, but he never cried, I didn't go to him and he obviously settled himself back down. I was in bed at 9 p.m. last night myself and had a wonderful long snooze. Ahhh... you don't realize how much you miss it until you get it back, and then it's like - where have you been all my life??

This is him this morning in his bouncy seat. He is really trying to sit up on his own and is no longer content to lie back in the bouncy - he's got to have his head up now. I think this may be the beginning of the end for the bouncy and the start of the high chair. Another chapter coming to a close. Sniff.

And, the second photo is also him this morning - as I've been writing this actually - watching Baby Einstein. He's starting to like it more. I try it every couple of weeks and lately he's been more into it. It's a crazy video if you ask me though - I don't blame him for not necessarily liking it. There's this one segment where they're just showing fruits - here's an apple, a peach, a rather decrepit looking banana - and then the next scene is a pile of bean sprouts. What the heck???? I'm sure they chose to include it for the colour or texture or whatever, but it's just bizarre.

Tomorrow we are headed out of town for a couple of days... so today is Road Trip Preparation Day. Packing, filling the gas tank, that sort of thing. Chad is back to work and we'll be out running errands all day. Except for naptimes, when we'll be home with Liam in his crib... because his sleep schedule is running much too smoothly these days to mess with.