Monday, August 15, 2005

Mommy brain

There is a very common and even acknowledged condition called Mommy Brain. I honestly did read about this in What To Expect or Your Pregnancy magazine or something like that. It seems that either pregnancy or motherhood or maybe the combination of the two can turn otherwise normal, even intelligent people into idiots. For real - it really does drop your IQ and make it harder for you to concentrate, they've proven it. Again, I had this filed under it may happen to other people, but it will never happen to me... until it did. You know that part in Zoolander where Will Ferrell says, I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!!??? Yep... same here.

Case in point. Yesterday we were at the morning church service, and another mom with a two month old comes up to us while I've got him out in the hall, and asks what Liam's name is. And I drew a total blank. I kid you not. The person that I have devoted the last two years of my life to conceiving, carrying - let's not forget delivering - and now for the past four months, tending to 24 hours a day, talking about nonstop, and loving like crazy - and I couldn't remember his name. I was soooo embarrassed. I am actually quite hoping that she just thinks I am hearing impaired and didn't catch the question the first couple of times. I finally did remember it, but it took long enough that I'm certain she thinks I'm a nut. [As an aside, when I finally did spit the name out, she said that they liked and wanted to use the same name, but that her brother used it. So what did she name her son instead? JT. I am not kidding you, unless I really am hearing impaired. Now, not that I'm saying there's anything wrong with the name JT, but really - that's about as far removed from Liam as you can get. I won't get into our short list of boy's names, since I think we will need to dip into it in the future, but they are all names that are all vaguely Liam-ish. I'm sure you know what I mean. Names that sound similar or that have the same roots or the same connotations to them. Not JT.]

Anyway, I think I've unlocked one of the secrets of the universe - why there aren't more women CEOs. It's not because they don't want the jobs or would rather spend the time with their kids. Maybe they really do want to throw themselves into their work... but the problem is that, if they've had kids, they're probably raving idiots. Oh well... at least I have an excuse for it now.