Thursday, January 19, 2006

How big do you think I am?

This morning we made a trip to see Dr. Kate for Liam's 9-month checkup. She is the greatest doctor ever - I love her for a long list of reasons, not the least of which is that she makes every patient feel like her number one patient. I am sure that she ooohs and ahhhs over everyone, and tells all the moms that their babies are the cutest she's ever seen, but I still don't mind hearing those words come out of her mouth.

There is a downside to this, of course - she is immensely popular (as are all doctors in the province these days, right?) and we had to wait 45 minutes to get in to see her. This is the first wait I've had in ages. Not one of my prenatal appointments or Liam's earlier checkups were late. Nonetheless, it took long enough today that we didn't have enough time left to make it out to Blenheim to go swimming.

We did, however, find out that Liam has put on 1.5 pounds and 1.25 inches in the last month, enough to bring him up to 19.5 pounds and 29 inches long. I was surprised to hear those numbers; I knew he was big, but not that big. Dr. Kate once again reiterated that I will need a second job to pay our grocery bill in about 10 or 12 years' time before she bid us adieu.

On the next visit, Liam is not likely to take to her so kindly. Starting next time (12 months) he gets a couple of shots every 3 months until he looks like a pincushion. My goodness, I'm glad I'm not in his shoes.