Wednesday, March 07, 2007

8 reasons why today was a good day, and one why it wasn't

* Today was my last official day of work. I am going back into the office for a bit tomorrow, and working from home here and there after that... but officially, I am done.
* This means I can pack away my I-can't-stand-them-any-more maternity work clothes. Woot!
* My department took me out for lunch and spoiled us with sweet baby girl gifts.
* This came in the mail today, and in a couple of weeks I will even be able to wear it.
* I had a doctor's appointment and was pleasantly surprised to discover that I have now gained less weight than I did at the same point with Liam.
* We met with our doula and those arrangements have been finalized... feeling much better about things now, and ready to get the show on the road.
* Lost.
* I just checked my email and found requests for 2 more scrapbook pages for publication.


* Liam is sick. Really, really sick. Didn't go to Cindy's today sick. Listless, won't eat, won't drink, miserable, going to bed 3 hours early sick. I feel so bad for him. To make matters worse, Chad is a coughing, hacking mess, and I think I am next.


Anonymous said...

A: Where on earth do you find this stuff?? The shirt is very cool and of course you will wear it in about 3 weeks!
B: Who cares how much you weigh! You are PREGNANT. This is the one time in your life you can gain 30 lbs (I know you didn't gain that much, but you should have!) and be OK with it. Give yourself a break! (You do look fabulous no one likes you for it!) :)

megan said...

OR you could gain 70lbs and still feel fine about it. (Up until you have to go somewhere without the baby and no one knows that you just had a baby and they think that you are just really fat). Not that I would know about that or anything.

Yeah where do you find this stuff? And while you are at it can you find a great point and shoot camera for me?

Carrie said...

I find these things in the back of People magazine's special spring fashion issue. The ad showed a t-shirt with the Golden Girls on it. I seriously liked it enough to go looking for it, but when I saw 'Chad is Rad'... well... no contest!

I am OK with the weight gain... but it's funny... if you compared how careful I have been this pregnancy with how careful I was last time... I honestly should have gained three times as much by now!

Megan - give me your camera wish list, and I will do some digging for you. I know a couple of good websites and I usually pick up a new issue of Popular Photography each time I'm at the library.