Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Once in a blue moon

I just read, on a pregnancy board I visit from time to time, that today there is an equinox blue moon. I have no idea what that means. I have tried looking up full moon tables and none say anything about March 20th being full (last one was March 3, next one is April 2). Still, my Aunt Joan, who works as a L&D nurse, is one of many who swear that full moons put people into labour - so I'm hoping that this equinox blue moon is a full moon of some sort, and that it might do the trick for me.

We didn't end up on a road trip yesterday after all. Instead, we made the most of the snow and went outside to play. We built a snowman, talked to the mailman, watched plows drive by... great entertainment for a 2-year-old, but it left a little to be desired for Mom. I still had a shopping itch to scratch, so we made do with a trip to a local department store, where I picked up a few warm weather things for Liam. At the very least they will tide us over until we can make a more serious expedition (really, when are Old Navy and The Children's Place going to start shipping within Canada? They already have stores here!)

With respect to the snowman... it was great fun building it and all... but then it warmed up quickly yesterday afternoon. I was standing in the kitchen when Liam came speeding in yelling "Mommy! Mommy!" and grabbed my hand to drag me to the window... only to see our snowman lying in a slushy heap on the ground. I hope it didn't scar him.

Today is a completely bizarro day because... Liam is back at Cindy's. His one day a week with her is Tuesday. So he is off, Chad's at work, and I am... home. With all the time in the world, and no idea what to do with it. This morning I made a leisurely trip to the gym and now I have the rest of the day before me; just considering my options.


Anonymous said...

A blue moon occurs when there are two full moons in one calendar month--doesn't happen very often--hence the saying "once in a blue moon".

An equinox blue moon is one that is occuring on the spring equinox or first day of spring.

Your aunt may have something about the full moon theory--at least as far as labour and delivery are concerned. We teachers notice that the kids at school seem to get more squirrelly and a bit more out of control when there's a full moon. Coincidence? Maybe, maybe not.

Incidentally, Gillian's 16th birthday is Mar 21--she was born at 12:01 am--right on the cusp of the first day of spring!

Anonymous said...

I just noticed that there isn't actually a blue moon in March 2007.

The last full moon was March 3, the next one is April 2. March 19 is a "New Moon".

But the equinox was today, March 20 at 8:07 pm. Spring is here!

Carrie said...

If I am still here waiting on April 2nd, I think I will cry. Though I wonder how Little Miss would enjoy possibly sharing her birthday with her dad? :)

Happy Birthday Gillian! I can't believe you are already 16!!