Tuesday, March 13, 2007

I don't hear the fat lady yet

In the wee hours of the morning, I wound up making a trip to the emergency room. I felt OK for most of the day yesterday, but got progressively more congested after dinner; then woke up around 3 a.m. with a throbbing ear and couldn't get back to sleep. Finally I figured I would be no worse off, sleep-wise, if I just went in; and that it would probably be a much shorter trip to the ER at 3 a.m. than it would be to my doctor's office with Liam in tow during the day (not to mention that if I couldn't get an appointment until later in the day, I didn't know if I'd be able to stand the pain. Yes, I'm a wimp.)

I was able to get in to see a doctor pretty quickly, only to be told that they no longer recommend an immediate round of antibiotics for ear infections - they prefer to let you wait it out. Just goes to show how much has changed since the last time I had one of these things (10+ years ago). To be honest, I agree with this line of thinking (potential for superbugs and all), but it does little to make you feel better when you're the one suffering. Also, it made for a waste of a trip. They gave me a couple of Tylenol and sent me home instead.

Now I am freaked out about having taken the Tylenol. Yes, they knew I'm pregnant and I know Tylenol doesn't carry the exact same warnings as aspirin and ibuprofen, but I know they perform similar functions, so how can I help but worry? You're not supposed to take aspirin or ibuprofen during your last trimester because they prolong both gestation and labour. I remember how long my first labour was all too well. If I am still sitting here with no baby at 42 weeks, only to have to suffer through another full day like that, well... I suppose I'll have nobody but myself to blame. Myself, and the ER doc (whose name I didn't even catch).

I went out and picked up a bottle of Tylenol to have in the house just in case my ear gets unbearable again, which the doctor suggested I do (and hell, the damage has already been done, right?) Liam is down for a nap now, so I am off to bed as well. Even if it's not a horrendously long labour this time around, I'd still like to do it with a clear head and healthy body, and I don't have either of those things right now.