Tuesday, March 27, 2007

A question for you

What does the widget say when you look at it?

For me, it's "40 weeks 1 day so far"... but then when I click on it, it changes to "1 day to go", and if I click on it again, "1 week 1 day to go". Good grief, I hope not! If it's not sending out a viable message I will remove it altogether. Who needs the reminder, anyway?

This is now my second Tuesday in a row at home alone without Liam. He seemed happy to see the other kids at Cindy's this morning, but it still feels strange to dump him there and come home to an empty house. I just came home from the gym to find a message from our doula on the phone, asking what's new. I'm not so much looking forward to calling her back in order to say NOTHING.

Yesterday it was in the 80s here, which would have been lovely, if I had any summer maternity clothes!! Liam and I made a trip to our local greenhouse to see if we could find something for the planters on the front porch - hoping for pansies and pussy willows. Unfortunately, I think we are ahead of the game. They are still overwintering last year's perennials and have nothing ready to go for this year yet. We did find a great assortment of kids' Crocs and Liam tried on a few pairs. I like the Sea Blue; his favourites were the pink and yellow - go figure.


The Robiltons said...

It says "1 days to go".

Anonymous said...

The Widget never fully showed up on my computer - it's just been a floating baby and now the baby is gone (sorry! the laptop has been acting up lately so it could be just that!)

Also, I was looking at Crocs for someones upcoming birthday and I was told that they don't come smaller than what would fit a 5yr old. Was I told wrong and where would I find them? (And would the birthday boy still want them if mommy is looking at them now??)

Dawn said...

Widget states 1 day to go for me! BUT........when I rigged it with a past due date yesterday at the site it STAYED at 0 days to go. I think yours is just messing with your head!

Anonymous said...

Our widget says 1 wk 1 day to go.
Looks like everyone wants to get Liam crocs.

Unknown said...

It's up to two days to go now... you better remove it before it gets much further!

Anonymous said...

It tells me 2 days to go.

Man, I've been absent and missed a lot but not as much as I'd feared. ;)

Sending good thoughts your way.

If not already in labor, try sex, intense cleaning, and scheduling a massage appt. The last one is likely to be most effective as it will be something you don't want to miss, almost guaranteeing labor will make you have to cancel it. ;)

Dawn said...

Dare I mention that I am hoping you are at the hospital due to the blogging break? Fingers and toes crossed for you!

....or maybe you are staying away for fear of seeing things like your malfunctioning ticker....

Carrie said...

Alright, the widget is coming down. Way too depressing!!

Jenn - the children's size 8/9 fit him well. These were at the Glasshouse. I was not planning to buy him any because Gramma Cook might have plans to - maybe check with her?

I like the idea of scheduling the massage appointment. Last time around, I had a pedicure scheduled for Thursday and then Liam showed up on Wednesday... having an appointment of some sort really does seem to do the trick! If I make it to next Tuesday with no baby and Liam is off to Cindy's for another day, I might need to get out to do something like a half spa day just to save my sanity.