Friday, March 23, 2007

Thinking I need to stop posting for a while, because there are only so many ways to say, 'Arrrrrrrrrrrghh!!'

I may not be officially overdue, but I am now later than I was with Liam, which makes me Late According To Me. To all those friends I called as their due dates came and went, to inquire after their well-being: I now understand just how frustrating it is to have nothing new to report. We spent all morning out walking today, since that's my only recourse. This is when those thoughts start to creep in: Maybe if I had eaten better... maybe if I had exercised more... she'd be ready to hatch now rather than weeks from now. (Because I DID do better with those things with Liam, and right now he seems to be living proof that they worked!!) Even poor Liam is suffering: here he is chowing down on his very first Happy Meal. This is what happens when your parents refuse to buy a big load of groceries, thinking instead that they will be busy with other things during the coming week (ha!) Liam loved the Happy Meal, but I think I will make a concerted effort in the grocery department this week; I don't want it to become a habit.


megan said...

Did you get a Fillet O Fish to reward yourself for your fortitude?

Anonymous said...

I know exactly how you feel...6 weeks of "maybe today is the day", daily contractions geeting my hopes up only to go to bed disappointed. I stopped answering the phone entirely, and I almost killed Bryce when he would say "You're not going to have him today!" It was easily the longest and most depressing wait in my life. I feel for you, and I hope it happens soon!

Carrie said...

No, I was actually in a McChicken kind of a mood. Crazy or what!

Karen, I don't know how you made it through six weeks of this!

Carrie said...

No, I was actually in a McChicken kind of a mood. Crazy or what!

Karen, I don't know how you made it through six weeks of this!