Wednesday, March 14, 2007

My little supermodel

I'm toying with the idea of putting together some sort of year-in-the-life album come this time next year. I don't really know what all this would entail, but in order to at least keep the idea feasible, I need to start taking a photo a day now.

Here's Liam on Monday morning, as we were making waffles. I am the ingredient dumper-iner, and he is the stirrer. He LOVES this job, and doing it with waffles in particular. I pulled out the camera and asked him to give me a big smile. I know it looks like his toenails are being pulled out one by one, but trust me: this IS his big smile. This, ladies and gentlemen, is as good as it gets. Eyes scrinched shut and all.

When Liam was born, I had the camera I still use now, but I had no clue how to use it. I left it set on auto 24/7 and just hoped that most of my shots would turn out. Now that I know how to use it, I have ideas spilling over of things I'd like to try with Little Miss, things I didn't learn about until it was already too late to try them with Liam. Frankly, the photo opportunities with Liam have been going downhill for months. Either he's too busy and won't hold still long enough for me to take a good shot, or else he poses so deliberately - let's be honest, so poorly - that it's really not the type of photo I'd want to add to the Liam Shrine anyway.

I will be facing a few battles, of course. First, a major lack of time to do these shots, compared to the time I was able to devote with Liam. And for anything involving Brother & Sister, there will be the issue of getting two of them to look good at once. (Does anyone offer a course along the lines of "Photoshop Head Swapping"?) Still, Little Miss will be (relatively) immobile for a little while, and she won't be a peanut for long. Having been through this once before, I think that's all the incentive I will need to make the effort. Besides, I know the window of opportunity will be short lived; with a clown like Liam influencing her, I suspect she will start with the goofy faces before too long, too.


Dawn said...

Head swapping is a major PITA, but doable in some circumstances. I use this site alot for tutorials:

Don't think they have a headswap one, but you might have fun with some of the others.