Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Car seats make me think

1. I'm sad that the new car seat has no place to hang Liam's little mobile. Man, he loves that thing. And now it's been unceremoniously tossed on the bassinette-bouncy seat-boppy pillow-etc. pile o' stuff in the basement closet.
2. I'm glad that Liam's newborn red-as-a-drunken-sailor's nose has (a) gotten proportionately smaller as compared to the rest of his face, and (b) is also significantly less red. It's funny - you have a baby and think they are just the cutest thing ever. No matter how goopy or red or wrinkled they come out. Then they truly do cuten up, and only in hindsight can you say, What was I thinking??? (Except that Liam truly *was* the cutest newborn ever. No, really. I swear.)


Darin & Jenn said...

He was - I was witness (ok, twelve hours after the fact, but still.) Too, too cute!

megan said...

Excuse me DARIN, I thought you said that my babies were the cutest ever!!!

Carrie said...

Maybe there were up to a point Megan... but were then surpassed.

Maybe if you want to reclaim the title... you will have to have another.


megan said...

I am not competitive! Did you read my blog from Tuesday? I am not sure I want to keep the ones I have, why on earth would I want any more???