Friday, September 16, 2005

Scene from a nursery doorway - part 2

This is what Naked Playtime looks like. Yesterday was a long day for me, because Chad wasn't home for lunch and in fact wasn't home til 11:30 p.m. I don't know how single mothers do it - it's just really tiring always trying to play with/entertain/take care of a wee one. By the time Liam was in bed, I was ready for a drink. Anyway, the Naked Playtime routine coincides with getting ready for Liam's bath. Chad and I often tag team in this department, but as I was on my own last night, I stripped Liam down and left him to play while I started the bathwater. He would roll around and play a bit, and then turn to keep tabs on me (the bathroom door is directly opposite his bedroom door, i.e. he can see in). Just to make sure I was still there and the bath preparations were still progressing. I wonder whether we won't be into the separation anxiety phase soon - he is getting more and more interested in keeping tabs on who's around these days.

Yesterday was also the first time he was ever mistaken for a girl when we were out in public. Everyone has always known that he's a boy. I admit that I usually don't know with babies, but Liam was born with sideburns, so it's made the ID pretty easy. True, those are mostly gone now, and I did have him dressed in a gender neutral outfit - the one that came addressed to "The New Baby" from the people across the street who didn't know us. So I can understand it. It was just funny to think it had never happened before.

Finally, I have hopefully fixed the link to yesterday's photo. I tried linking to another web site, but I understand a lot of you couldn't see it. So I saved the photo to my computer and then uploaded it again - is it there for you now? I was wondering if I could fool anyone. No, it is not my picture. Are you kidding me? With all the dirty dishes in my sink right now, there is no room for Liam.