Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Some clarification

Today's post title is a quote - it's a Bender line from The Breakfast Club. I figured some of you would know that, but wanted to make it clear to everyone else that I do not think Liam is demented, nor sad.

This is tomorrow (Wednesday's) photo o' the day. Took it today at the pumpkin patch as we were picking out our mums (having already picked out our pumpkins last week at a patch that had bigger pumpkins - urn-sized pumpkins - maybe I'll post a photo of our front porch sometime). We are headed out of town for a couple of days, so I thought I would get it up early. Will be back in touch when we're back in town...


megan said...

so cool with the music. I want to know how to do it! It opens up an entire new aspect to the blogging possibilities. Have a fun visit to your parents, wish them a safe journey.