Monday, September 12, 2005

He spends all this time looking in the mirror... so how come he doesn't have to worry about vanity???

Today I had to clean out the shower drain, something that is hardly noteworthy in the grand scheme of things except that when you are a new mother, it seems everything has some sort of hidden meaning, this being no exception. My point here is that I can’t remember the last time I did this. Normally it’s something I do whenever the water starts to hit my ankles when I’m showering – less preventive maintenance than emergency procedure – but something that would usually occur, I don’t know, monthly, maybe?? But as I was pulling out ages-old stringy hair this morning, it occurred to me that I really hadn’t done it in months and months and months. Yes, I am losing my bumper crop of super-lustrous pregnancy-induced miracle hair. It’s all downhill from here.

This got me to thinking about how having Liam has also changed me in some ways that I actually have control over. As for my hair and other body parts that will never be the same after having a baby, well, there’s not much I can do about that. But almost unconsciously, since Liam has been here, I have made so much more effort (in the areas I have control of) where appearance is concerned. Before having him, I could roll out of bed, not brush my hair or put on any makeup, and wearing yesterday’s clothes, head out to the mall or the grocery store where I was guaranteed to run into at least a handful of people I know. And really not care. These days, I put on makeup every day. Even just to wear around the house. I’m a little less fastidious with my hair, but still make more effort than I used to. It doesn’t matter whether it’s playgroup day, or grocery day, or absolutely-nothing-planned-outside-these-4-walls-day… I still try to do it. (Clothes are a little trickier. Especially after being the host for my little alien for nine months, I am of course dying to wear great, trendy stuff - maternity clothes have come a long way in terms of being stylish, but they still have a long way to go. Considering how much of my day I spend covered in spit up and crawling around on the floor, a lot of it is just out of the question. I'd love a velvet jacket this fall, but are you kidding me?)

I think there are two reasons why this all interests me so much more now. Number one, the less you have to work with, the more effort it takes. When you’re young and skinny and gorgeous, you always look good, right? But let’s face it… those days, while hopefully not all behind me, are more and more showing up in the rear-view mirror. It’s taking more effort just to maintain some sort of par.

But there’s also doing it for Liam’s sake. If I look like a slob as Carrie, that doesn’t bother me (at least, not as much as it probably should). But if Liam’s Mom looks like a slob, I feel bad for him. He shouldn’t have to deal with that. Again, it’s a whole new level of (admittedly self-imposed) accountability that comes along with being a parent.

The last time we got together with my family, my sisters were making fun of me. My purse coordinated with my capris, my shoes matched my shirt, etc. The last time they have seen me looking so into myself was probably on prom night. I know their time will come. In the meantime, Yummy Mummy is a title I will happily accept.


megan said...

Give me a break, when have you ever looked anything but Noxema girl perfect?

Darin & Jenn said...

I am trying not to get caught printing these gorgeous pictures at work (along with the no internet at home there is no printer either) And listen to Megan, there is never much effort required on your part to look anything less then perfect.

megan said...

You have no idea what it takes.