Thursday, September 22, 2005


Oh. My. HECK!


Anonymous said...

Does that mean you were disappointed in the season premier or you were quickly re-addicted? Yes, I am still checking your site now that I am back at work.

Carrie said...

That means that the season premiere was amazing. This show is so suspenseful, scary and full of these aha! moments where things start to come together... or where you find out that more things are connected, but it makes it even more confusing because you don't know how or why.

How is Sydney settling into her new routine? How are you settling in?

Darin & Jenn said...

Oh. My. Heck. I know you said you are off Survivor, but as a fan myself (even though I don't have access to the new season)I know that is a bit of Survivor trivia. Those words were first spoken by Neleh on Surivor ... oh no, I forget, I'm going to have to research which one she was on. And I so wish I was watching Lost. My friend Andy says the exact same things as you do about it.

megan said...

Carrie is so wrong to be "over" Survivor. It is awsome this season!

Darin & Jenn said...

I knew it was going to be a good one, and us over here without being able to see it.

Anonymous said...

Sydney has had a tough week. We started her in day care last Wed & by Friday night she was sick. So on my second day of work I had to take half a sick day to take her to the doctor (finally after the child had a fever for 4 days) & it is just viral. So now she is back at daycare & I think is starting to get the idea that this is an ongoing thing. Brad does drop-off & I do pick up. I definitely win on that delegation of responsibility!!!

Carrie said...

Kelly, I am so hoping that is how it goes with us too - I want pick-up!! (Though Chad and I may need to thumb-war it out.) So the association between daycare and sickness isn't a myth, eh? That stinks.

D&J - you may be missing a good season of Survivor, but rest assured that you probably will not miss The Amazing Race at all - it's a family edition. Starts next week but I can't imagine there will be many cool challenges or exotic locales with kiddies in tow.